How I Met Your Mother News Roundup on


News on Season 5, UK airing, and other bits from all corners of the HIMYM universe:

General News

*Salutes* General News.


Was sent this today, it appears CBS is doing some guerilla marketing on bar coasters or “broasters” as I like to call them. I was lucky enough to have a couple of these snagged for me, they are now on my desk.

Looks like Sarah Chalke spent long enough on set to catch the pregnancy bug that was going around. It is also rumored that she’ll be back on the show in May 2010 (finale?) which makes sense considering that’s when Tony’s movie The Wedding Bride hits the box office.

Late on this but did anyone see it? HIMYM cast hosted the CBS fall preview a couple days ago.

(Potential) Spoilers for the beginning of Season 5

The official teaser for the premiere is:

Definitions — When Marshall (Jason Segel) and the gang finds out that Barney (Neil Patrick Harris, right) and Robin (Cobie Smulders, second right) are hesitant to define their relationship, Lily (Alyson Hannigan) forces them to confront their biggest fear. Meanwhile, Ted (Josh Radnor) is anxious about teaching his first lecture at Columbia, on the fifth season premiere of HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER, Monday, Sept. 21 (8:00-8:30 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network.

Joe Manganiello will be back playing Marshall’s ex bromance Brad.

To deal with his anxiety about teaching, Ted decides to release his inner douche.


And on the Robarn front, Spoiler Fix (via EW) tells us:

After [Barney and Robin] professed their feelings in last spring’s finale, season 5 kicks off with the pair trying to figure out their relationship.but more importantly, doing a lot of making out. “It seemed a dirty, dirty inevitability, a lusty endgame,” says Harris of the bedroom scene. “I will say that now that we don’t have to hide pregnant bellies, we’re gonna show a lot more skin on HIMYM .” Not that being in a relationship is going to do much to alter Barney’s inherent Barneyism. “He just has so many bad habits as far as strip clubs and shameless flirting goes, I don’t think he’s even contemplated that he would have to curtail any of that,” says Harris. “So that’s an interesting wrinkle. In episode 2, he’s just business as usual – but with a girlfriend. But Barney can’t really exist in business as usual, with a girlfriend. I think the writers have got some good stuff to mine.” HIMYM co-creator Craig Thomas agrees, saying that although the new season picks up right where the finale left off – with the “cat out of the bag,” so to speak, about the pair’s affair – don’t look for a lot of TV-relationship clichés. “There’s something very fun about two people who are essentially emotionally illiterate,” he says. “They’re different degrees of it – Barney is far worse than Robin in this department. But Robin ain’t so great either. And it’s just very fun to watch these two people pratfall into this relationship. It’s very fun writing a couple that’s as dysfunctional as they are.” As Harris concludes, ”No one wants to lose integrity by having Barney become a different person. Ergo, he won’t become a different person. And we’ll see what happens to that relationship because of it. I think no one wants him to get Mosbyed,” he laughs, referring to the occasionally over-the-top romanticism of HIMYM narrator Ted. “Least of all Barney himself.”

For the UK fans

Reader LJ wrote me awhile back with this news:

Hey JD

Official UK site for the show is gradually going up here; and the run starts daily (just weekdays I think) at 7.30pm from Friday Sept 4th. They are going to race through the first 4 series.

Looking forward to their episode quizzes though I could probably answer them all now I’ve seen the show so many times. A bit of a buzz being generated about it FINALLY getting it’s rightful UK home after nearly 4 years.

Very excited for s5 myself and seeing how my mates take to the show as I’ve been going on at them since 2005 to track it down.